

If you are having trouble logging in to 黑板上, My.UAFS或其他校园技术, 请联系 UAFS IT服务. This page has a link to the PortalGuard User Guide, which can address all of the 密码管理相关问题.

如果你继续遇到问题, contact the Technology Support Service Desk 电话:479-788-7460或 uafs@service-now.com.



Students sometimes experience login problems at the beginning of a semester. 技术 问题将尽快得到解决. 如果你继续遇到问题, 请与服务台联系,电话 479-788-7460 or uafs@service-now.com.



You must enter your UAFS user ID and password to log in to online courses. 确保 your capitalization is correct as passwords are case-sensitive.

  • If you are an admitted student and do not have a UAFS user ID and password, go to the Service Desk in the Gardner building to request them.
  • If you enter the user ID and password correctly and still cannot log in, contact the 服务台 479-788-7460.

You account will become inactive in your 黑板上 courses a full semester after 你已经上了这门课. At that point those courses will no longer appear on your 课程列表.

If you cannot find your online course on the 黑板上 Courses page, one of the following 事情可能已经发生了:

  • Your instructor may have temporarily hidden the course shell while making final preparations.
  • Your instructor may have not yet copied the course content into the course shell.

Your online courses should be available no later than a day or two after the semester starts (the first day of the semester for full online courses). 如果这学期 started and you still cannot see your online course on the Courses page, 请联系 尽快通知你的教练.

测试持续时间由讲师设定. 你的考试时间有限. 你应该 always check the test duration time set by the instructor 之前 参加考试. 计时器将 继续运行 whether or not you are in the test, so once you start, be sure to complete the test 在给定的时间内. 一旦时间过期,尝试就结束了. 你会收到 test score only for the answers you saved and submitted 之前 the test timed out. 

注意: 黑板上 will automatically log you off after 45 minutes of inactivity.

If testing in a proctored environment, the live proctor or the online proctoring service 会为您添加密码吗. 当在教室实验室测试时,你的老师或 their designated proctor will provide the password for you to type.

1. 网速慢
  • If you use a low bandwidth internet connection, you will encounter this problem regularly. The solution to this problem is to subscribe to a high-speed internet connection or use a computer in any lab on campus or at any public library.
2. 浏览器缓存
  • Your browser 缓存 stores files from websites that you have visited to speed up the 浏览器,当你重新访问他们. 有时你的浏览器缓存有太多的文件 有效工作. More commonly, sometimes the 缓存 files have an error that prevents 页面无法正常加载. 您可以通过清除浏览器来修复这些错误 缓存.
  • 下面是清除缓存的说明 in several browsers including the ones on your smartphone. 您也可以清除Java 缓存. 确保你是 注销 的值.
3. 计算机内存错误
  • Sometimes a temporary file on your computer will cause an error that affects 黑板上 或者其他网站. To fix this error, you need to clear the computer memory by performing a关闭计算机. (不要重新启动,因为这不会清除所有的错误 暂时的记忆.)
    Shut down the computer for at least 30 seconds without power 之前 starting it up 再一次。.
4. 黑板上连接
  • Occasionally your connection with 黑板上 may produce an error page. 来解决 此时,退出黑板上并重新登录.

  • You may have attached a shortcut of the file to your assignment. 确保文件 you attach to an assignment has the correct file extension: e.g. 一个Word文档 扩展".“医生”或“.docx"; a PowerPoint file has 扩展".Ppt "或".pptx.”
  • You may have attached a version of the file that had not been saved yet. 一定要 save all changes to your file 之前 attaching the file to an assignment. 确保 you are attaching the correct file and not a temporary version.



You need to allow pop-ups in your computer Web browsers. 以下是说明 如何在常用浏览器中做到这一点:

  • 谷歌Chrome
    1. Click the Customize and Control button (with the three dots) on the top right.
    2. 点击设置.
    3. 单击左侧的“隐私和安全”.
    4. 单击站点设置.
    5. 单击弹出窗口和重定向.
    6. Click the option button for Sites can send pop-ups and use redirects
    7. Alternately, you can click the Add button, under Allowed to send pop-ups and use 重定向,然后输入“黑板”.braendebriketter.com”,然后单击“添加”.
  • Mozilla Firefox
    1. Click Open Application Menu (the button with three lines on the top right).
    2. 点击设置.
    3. 点击隐私和安全.
    4. Under Permissions, clear the check box for Block Pop-up Windows
    5. 点击异常.
    6. In the text box for Address of Website, type “blackboard.braendebriketter.com.”
    7. 单击Save Changes.
    1. Click the “Settings and More” button (…) on the top right.
    2. 点击设置.
    3. 单击“cookie”和“站点权限”.
    4. 单击弹出窗口和重定向.
    5. 关闭块
    6. 在“允许”区域框中,单击“新建”.
    7. 输入“黑板.braendebriketter.com.”
    8. 单击Add.


无线 & 网络问题

Yes, wireless access is available in every building on the campus including student 住房. You can also connect to the internet anywhere on campus if you are not too far away from a building or if you are close to a wireless hot spot.

  • For more details on connecting to the UAFS wireless network on campus, see the 资讯科技服务知识库 for information on configuring Windows PCs, Macs, and mobile devices.



Macs require the Screen Recording settings to be turned on for various apps in order 与那些应用程序共享屏幕. 在Mac上更改以下内容,然后重试:
  1. 点击Apple菜单.
  2. 单击“系统设置”.
  3. 点击隐私 & 侧边栏中的安全性.
  4. 点击屏幕 & 系统录音.
  5. Turn the recording on for 谷歌Chrome and any other apps you need to use. (铬 是smarterprocting需要的浏览器吗.)